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Killyhommon Primary School, Boho, Enniskillen

News Nuacht

2019/2020 School Year

6th Mar 2020
Congratulations to  Conor O’Kane  winner of the the Split the Pot...
5th Mar 2020
Well done to our wonderful pupils in Rang 4 who made their First Confession tonight...
3rd Mar 2020
Beidh Céad Faoistin Rang 4 ar siúl ar an Déardaoin 5ú...
3rd Mar 2020
  8 x 4 = __ ¾ = __/8 Write as a number: six thousand,seven...
2nd Mar 2020
Síle planted 60 seeds. 43 flowers grew from the seeds. How many seeds did...
2nd Mar 2020
63 + 30 = Show 155 on the abacus. What is the difference between 13 and 6?...
2nd Mar 2020
School management is currently seeking to recruit a Temporary Building Supervisor...
28th Feb 2020
Congratulations to  Mickey Mc Cullagh  winner of the the Split the Pot...
28th Feb 2020
The Children's Liturgy will commence in St. Mary's Church, Maghera at the 11.30...