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Killyhommon Primary School, Boho, Enniskillen

News Nuacht

2019/2020 School Year

6th Feb 2020
Year 3 pupils lead a beautiful assembly on Friday 31st January in our school hall....
3rd Feb 2020
Put these months in order: April, June, May, March. Underline each odd number....
3rd Feb 2020
-  6.  Write the correct number beside each shape.   ...
31st Jan 2020
Congratulations to  Gerry Mc Eldowney  winner of the the Split the Pot...
28th Jan 2020
Triail 11 Order beginning with the largest number: 5,432   837  ...
28th Jan 2020
Triail 11 215 = _ hundreds + _ tens + units. 417+340+131=___ (completed vertically.)...
28th Jan 2020
The school's RSE Policy has recently been reviewed by the Safeguarding Team and...
27th Jan 2020
Friday: As Catholic Schools Week comes to a close, we are asked to think about how...