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Killyhommon Primary School, Boho, Enniskillen

News Nuacht

2018/2019 School Year

16th Oct 2018
They read novels on the theme, worked together to make a display and used clay to...
16th Oct 2018
All of our Year 6 and 7 pupils will participate in this exciting project which will...
11th Oct 2018
Our Annual Scholastic Book Fair will take place in school from  Thursday 11th...
10th Oct 2018
P7 and R7 pupils will lead a special assembly on WEDNESDAY 10TH OCTOBER at 1.30...
1st Oct 2018
We are delighted to welcome a  Cancer Focus NI officer  to our school...
18th Sep 2018
The school photographer from Tempest will visit the school on  Monday 24th...
14th Sep 2018
All Key Stage 2 pupils will have the opportunity to participate in a series of swimming...
11th Sep 2018
All Key Stage 2 pupils will have coaching in gaelic football skills as part of their...
31st Aug 2018
A copy of the menu for Term 1 has been sent to each family. Is is also available...