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Killyhommon Primary School, Boho, Enniskillen

News Nuacht

2019/2020 School Year

31st Jan 2020
Congratulations to  Gerry Mc Eldowney  winner of the the Split the Pot...
28th Jan 2020
Triail 11 Order beginning with the largest number: 5,432   837  ...
28th Jan 2020
Triail 11 215 = _ hundreds + _ tens + units. 417+340+131=___ (completed vertically.)...
28th Jan 2020
The school's RSE Policy has recently been reviewed by the Safeguarding Team and...
27th Jan 2020
Friday: As Catholic Schools Week comes to a close, we are asked to think about how...
27th Jan 2020
Thursday: God gave us the earth and the earth gives us many giZ s which help us...
27th Jan 2020
Today is Grandparents’ Day, and we are asked to think about how our grandparents...
27th Jan 2020
Tuesday: Today, we are asked to think about how we can live in harmony with our...