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Killyhommon Primary School, Boho, Enniskillen

News Nuacht

2019/2020 School Year

11th Sep 2019
All Key Stage 2 pupils will have coaching in gaelic games skills as part of their...
10th Sep 2019
6 + 8 + 5 = Draw the hands on the clock to show half past three. True or false?...
9th Sep 2019
Obair Bhaile R5 10/09/2019: Colour the circle. Underline each odd number....
9th Sep 2019
Obair Bhaile R6 10/09/2019: 2. What value has the digit 3 in the number 234? ...
9th Sep 2019
Beidh foclóirí de dhíth ag na páistí (ceann amháin...
6th Sep 2019
2nd Sep 2019
All Year 1 and 2 pupils have a snack time each morning when a healthy snack e.g....
2nd Sep 2019
Our school fund this year will be £30 per family. This may be paid in full...
2nd Sep 2019
We still have quite a lot of unclaimed uniform and PE kit left in school after the...