News Nuacht
2019/2020 School Year
13th May 2020
Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima
O Most Holy Virgin Mary,...
12th May 2020
Let us pray tonight for all those nurses globally who have lost their lives caring...
12th May 2020
The attached High Five Newsletter is well worth a read.
Mrs Mc Master
12th May 2020
I received the message below earlier today from Therese Ferry in the Derry Diocesan...
12th May 2020
The Education Authority has provided an update today on arrangements for Year 7...
11th May 2020
These resources have been made available by Autism NI.
Mrs Mc Master
11th May 2020
Please find attached a document in Irish showing the resources available to support...
11th May 2020
We all know this simple prayer. As we begin a new day and a new week let's take...
8th May 2020
Bishop McKeown has recorded a special message for children regarding sacraments-...
St Brigid's Primary School, Tirkane / Bunscoil Naomh Bríd 130 Tirkane Road Maghera Co. Derry BT46 5NH | Phone: 028 79 643 346