News Nuacht
2019/2020 School Year
21st Jan 2020
Write as a number: three hundred and twelve.
Put into order with the largest...
20th Jan 2020
Colour half.
63 minus 18 =
6 + 6 + 6 + 6 =
1/2 de 12 =
50c + 10c +10c...
20th Jan 2020
Finish: 2, 4, 6, ? , ? .
Show thirty three on the abacus.
Put these numbers...
17th Jan 2020
Congratulations to Christine Magee winner of the the Split the Pot / Scoilt...
16th Jan 2020
Safer Internet Day 2020 will take place on Tuesday 11th February with the theme...
16th Jan 2020
The Empower Project is a National Lottery Community Funded initiative...
15th Jan 2020
Congratulations to Lily on winning the Kelly's Eurospar Design a Christmas Jumper...
14th Jan 2020
? tens + ? units.
Which is heavier, a pencil or a bag of sugar?
How much money?...
St Brigid's Primary School, Tirkane / Bunscoil Naomh Bríd 130 Tirkane Road Maghera Co. Derry BT46 5NH | Phone: 028 79 643 346