Access Keys:

Killyhommon Primary School, Boho, Enniskillen


23rd Aug 2020

We are so looking forward to welcoming all of our Year 7 pupils back to school on Monday 24th August. 

Pupils should wear school uniform and all items must be clearly labelled.

Please remember that pupils should only bring the following items to school each day:

  • A coat clearly labelled with their name. This will be kept on the back of their own chair in their classroom. Cloakrooms will not be in use initially. Part of the school day will involve utilisation of outdoor learning spaces, so pupils will need to bring a coat every day.
  • A snack for healthy break in a disposable bag or in their plastic wipeable lunchbox
  • Dinner money in a labelled, sealed bag or envelope, containing the exact amount, as change cannot be given. School meals cost £2.60 per day.
  • A bottle of water, which if reusable, should be washed daily with hot water and soap.
  • Tissues for their own use which should be clearly labelled and will remain in school.

School staff will be available at the front of the building to direct pupils to their access points. 

Sanitiser is available for all at each entrance. Pupils should sanitise their hands on arrival and go straight to their classroom. Regular hand washing will be supervised during the school day and pupils should sanitise their hands when leaving the building.

Parents are asked not to enter school buildings at this time.

As a school community we must work together to ensure the safety of all. Your continued support is very much appreciated. These are unprecedented times and every day will be a learning day for everyone. All current arrangements have been put in place following DE and PHA guidance. These will be kept under review and any necessary adjustments shared with parents as soon as possible.

Mrs Mc Master