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Killyhommon Primary School, Boho, Enniskillen

News Nuacht - R1

2019/2020 School Year

28th Feb 2020
Congratulations to  Mickey Mc Cullagh  winner of the the Split the Pot...
25th Feb 2020
Fr. Kieran O' Doherty will distribute ashes to pupils and staff in school on Wednesday...
25th Feb 2020
Tempest Photography will visit the school on Wednesday 26th February 2020 to take...
14th Feb 2020
Congratulations/ Comhghairdeas to all our competition winners! P1 Clara O'Loughlin...
14th Feb 2020
Congratulations to  Mickey Mc Cullagh  winner of the the Split the Pot...
10th Feb 2020
Safer Internet Day will be celebrated in over a hundred countries across the world...
31st Jan 2020
Congratulations to  Gerry Mc Eldowney  winner of the the Split the Pot...